I opened A Deep Space™ in 2022 in the charming San Diego neighborhood, Kensington as a place for people from all walks of life to slow down, go inward, rediscover baseline safety and learn to hack their autopilot systems …all in an intimate community that felt like home.

I discovered hypnosis in my 20s after battling with panic disorder, disordered eating, self sabotage and low self worth. It was the single modality that helped me get off of medication and feel in control again.

When I took my first breathwork class, I had no idea HOW EVERYONE didn’t know about this modality. I experienced the deepest emotional releases and connected to parts of myself I didn’t even know existed. I knew I had to study it… so I did.

After closing my yoga business, ideas for A Deep Space™flooded into my mind day in and day out. I couldn’t ignore it… the studio seemed to have a plan of it’s own and I had what felt like no choice but to bring it to life. The community grew quickly and we changed many lives through combining hypnosis, breathwork and sound. We launched trainings and grew a team. And then I hit my own subconscious roadblocks and anything that was built from a misaligned place fell away. I moved out of the Kensington studio space just over a year after opening to realign my own subconscious mind with the expansion of A Deep Space™.

Now, myself and the incredible team of Space Holders at A Deep Space™ have embarked on a next-level journey of service, innovation and creativity as we bring A Deep Space™ 2.0 to life. We are on a mission to elevate humanity from survival into thriving while redefining mental wellness, reshaping the landscape of nervous system health, and empowering individuals to master their subconscious. This is a space where safety is embodied, resilience is developed, the mind flourishes, and dreams manifest.

We empower individuals with transformative reprogramming classes, trauma-informed trainings, and expansive communal spaces designed to rewire the brain, bolster nervous system resilience, and nurture deep, authentic connections with self and others.

This is the future of wellness and the New Era of human expression & connection.

I am so honored to have you here, reading this, and I look forward to holding space for your Inner Odyssey.

Here’s to your transformation,


Meet the Team

  • Design Director

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.