Whether or not you subscribe to astrological theory, the subconscious mind is deeply influenced by metaphors and symbols.
Use the Lions Gate portal on 8/8 as a way to harness the power of symbolism to transform your life from the inside out.
This reprogramming audio can be used on August 8 to open a portal for abundance and healing while rapidly accelerating your manifestations or in the days and weeks prior to reinforce neural pathways that will anchor you into a state of abundance and activate higher-self belief systems.
This is a digital download which includes a hypnosis audio to be listened to while seated or lying down.
Recorded by Lead Clinical Hypnotist, Bailey Raspler.
Whether or not you subscribe to astrological theory, the subconscious mind is deeply influenced by metaphors and symbols.
Use the Lions Gate portal on 8/8 as a way to harness the power of symbolism to transform your life from the inside out.
This reprogramming audio can be used on August 8 to open a portal for abundance and healing while rapidly accelerating your manifestations or in the days and weeks prior to reinforce neural pathways that will anchor you into a state of abundance and activate higher-self belief systems.
This is a digital download which includes a hypnosis audio to be listened to while seated or lying down.
Recorded by Lead Clinical Hypnotist, Bailey Raspler.
Whether or not you subscribe to astrological theory, the subconscious mind is deeply influenced by metaphors and symbols.
Use the Lions Gate portal on 8/8 as a way to harness the power of symbolism to transform your life from the inside out.
This reprogramming audio can be used on August 8 to open a portal for abundance and healing while rapidly accelerating your manifestations or in the days and weeks prior to reinforce neural pathways that will anchor you into a state of abundance and activate higher-self belief systems.
This is a digital download which includes a hypnosis audio to be listened to while seated or lying down.
Recorded by Lead Clinical Hypnotist, Bailey Raspler.